Science fiction romanceAs long time visitors know, I just love Fantasy and Science Fiction, and the thought of combining those with Romance, well, that's just up my alley. Just think, you're a starship captain, transporting cargo across the galaxy, fighting an evil emperor, and you meet and fall in love with a bizarrely handsome rebel alien prince or a roguish outer space smuggler (Han Solo, anyone?) Who wouldn't love that? Or suppose you're a young woman from the Xssosyzc galaxy, and get flung through a wormhole, only to find you have to save a young Saxon citizen from George Washington's prison? Sounds cool huh? If so, I've got some great links for you--for readers and writers. Read on, and enjoy.
General links:
Spec Romance online
Dear Author's Science Fiction Romance archive
Defining the genre: Scifi Romance
(and look for the post author Linnea Sinclair left a post here!)
Ten steps to making SF Romance a contender
Susan Kearney
Linnea Sinclair
Susan Grant
Stacey Klemstein
Patti O'Shea
C.J. Barry
For those who love more of a paranormal fantasy bent to the romance, than, say strict science fiction-y romance, there are some great authors in that niche as well....
Elissa Wilds
Terri Garey
Mari Mancusi
Jordan Summers
Kathy Lane
more to come...
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